Police in Srinagar filed separate First Information Reports (FIR) against Kashmiri photojournalist Masrat Zahra and journalist Gowhar Geelani and questioned special correspondent Peerzada Ashiq. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate...
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Bangladesh: Politician charges media under Digital Security Act
A politician has accused media workers who shared a story on the alleged misappropriation of Covid-19 relief rice in Bangladesh of breaching the Digital Security Act. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) expresses grave concern over the misuse of the...
Pakistan: Jang and Geo staff face unpaid salary crisis
After years of industrial conflict, Jang and Geo employees continue to work without pay. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) call on Jang and Geo Group’s administration to immediately...
India: Thousands protest against treatment of The Wire editor
Around 3,500 jurists, academicians, actors, artists, writers have protested against the Uttar Pradesh (UP) government for filing criminal charges under a First Information Report (FIR) against The Wire editor Siddharth Varadarajan. The International Federation of...
India: Multiple media outlets lay off staff and cut pay during Covid-19
Faced with economic challenges due to the Covid-19 crisis, multiple media outlets in India have resorted to staff layoffs, extended leave without pay and pay cuts. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliates the Indian Journalists’ Union (IJU)...
नेपाल ः प्रेस विज्ञप्ती
‘कोरोनाको बहाना बनाएर ९ महिनाकी गर्भवती डेरा निकाला’ शिर्षकमा नागरिक दैनिकमा बैशाख २ गते मंगलवार प्रकाशित समाचारको बिषयलाई लिएर पत्रकार पत्रकार दिलिप पौडेललाई सार्वजनिक रुपमा आक्रमणको खुल्ला चेतावनी दिएको विषयमा नेपाल प्रेस युनियनको गम्भिर ध्यानाकर्षण भएको छ। कोरोना...
नेपाल ः नागरिक दैनिकका पत्रकार दिलिप पौडेललाई प्रकाशित समाचारको विषयलाई लिएर कीर्तिपुर निवासी महेशराज महर्जनसहितका व्यक्तिले धम्की दिएको घटनाप्रति महासंघको गम्भीर ध्यानाकर्षण
नेपाल पत्रकार महासंघका सदस्य तथा नागरिक दैनिकका पत्रकार दिलिप पौडेललाई प्रकाशित समाचारको विषयलाई लिएर कीर्तिपुर निवासी महेशराज महर्जनसहितका व्यक्तिले सामाजिक सञ्जाल र फोनबाट धम्की दिएको घटनाप्रति नेपाल पत्रकार महासंघको गम्भीर ध्यानाकर्षण भएको छ । वैशाख २ गते नागरिक...
India : Press Statement
The National Union of Journalists (India) NUJ(I) has expressed deep anguish and serious concern over developments in Indian media that include suspension of publications, salary cuts and summery dismissals of working journalists in the wake of COVID 19 pandemic. In...
India : IJU Call To Halt Layoffs
The Indian Journalists Union calls upon the Indian Newspaper Society, the News Broadcasters Association, Editors Guild of India and Digital News Publishers’ Association to halt and prevent lay-offs of journalists in the midst of the pandemic. While the media industry,...
नेपाल ः कैलालीस्थित रेडियो धनगढी एफएमको कार्यालयमा प्रवेशगरी आक्रमणको प्रयास गरेको घटनाप्रति महासंघकाे गम्भीर ध्यानाकर्षण
प्रसारित समाचारको विषयलाई लिएर धनगढी उपमहानगरपालिका वडा नं १ का अध्यक्ष सन्तोष मुडभरीसहित ६ जनाको समुहमा आएका व्यक्तिहरुले कैलालीस्थित रेडियो धनगढी एफएमको कार्यालय परिसरमा प्रवेश गरी आक्रमणको प्रयास गरेको घटनाप्रति नेपाल पत्रकार महासंघकाे गम्भीर ध्यानाकर्षण भएको छ ।...