by SAMSN Admin | Oct 7, 2016 | Censorship, Freedom of Expression, India, Media Regulations, Media Rights Violations, Release
The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the South Asia Media Solidarity Network (SAMSN) today called upon the authorities in the state of Jammu and Kashmir to lift the ban on the Kashmir Reader. Gravely concerned over the infringement of press freedom,...
by SAMSN Admin | Sep 30, 2016 | Afghanistan, Freedom of Expression, Meeting, Pakistan, Release
The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) welcomes the recent resolution by the journalists of Afghanistan and Pakistan to promote a healthy bilateral relationship through positive and constructive reporting. Senior journalists from the neighbouring countries...
by SAMSN Admin | Sep 16, 2016 | Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Bulletin, Freedom of Expression, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, South Asia, Sri Lanka
Welcome to the monthly e-bulletin of the South Asia Media Solidarity Network (SAMSN). The next bulletin will be published on October 17, 2016, and your inputs are most welcome. We encourage contributions to let others know your activities; to seek solidarity and...
by SAMSN Admin | Sep 15, 2016 | Attack, Freedom of Expression, India, Media Rights Violations, Release
The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the National Union of Journalists (India) express serious concerns over press freedom violations by state and non-state parties in the ongoing protests in the state of Jammu and Kashmir. The IFJ...
by SAMSN Admin | Sep 12, 2016 | Freedom of Expression, Nepal, SAMSN Blog
Aunohita Mojumdar, Editor, Himal Southasian provides the context for the suspension of the pioneering South Asian magazine. Why was the decision taken to suspend publication of Himal Southasian magazine? We see an increasing trend in the region where civil-society...
by SAMSN Admin | Sep 1, 2016 | Freedom of Expression, Maldives, Media Regulations, Media Rights Violations, Release
The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Maldives Journalist Association (MJA) express serious concerns over the declining press freedom situation and growing intolerance towards the media in the Maldives in recent weeks. The IFJ urges...